What can be done in Switzerland?
As this graph shows, the largest uses of energy in Switzerland are:
- Transport => choose public transport rather than individual motor transport, choose the train instead of the plane, work nearer to home…
- Households (ménages) : heating, air-conditioning, hot water => improve the insulation of our buildings, heat our apartments to 20°C instead of 22° - 25°C, avoid using air conditioning in summer…
- Some industries => technical improvements...
- Agriculture => stop food waste, eat less meat (it's better for your health too)...
These actions affect to a certain extent our comfort. Are we ready to adapt? Is global warming really that urgent? We're talking about 2100, so there's no problem for me...
The majority of Swiss citizens or residents are convinced that global warming is real, but that doesn't mean they all agree to take actual action:
Politicians in Switzerland and elsewhere will act more efficiently and decisively if public opinion asks for rapid changes…
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